Monday, January 25, 2010

"The holidays are over"

My son drew this picture and he calls it "hope drowned in sadness" The ironic thing is that he drew it in the beginning of September before my sister got sick again. He drew it for her. There is a lighthouse in the image.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to sit down and write in a while. So much has happened since my sister passed that I've been too overwhelmed with emotion and I just couldn't let myself sit down and think.

On October 31st (Halloween) Keith went into the hospital with chest pain and 3 days later ended up on life support. He was having trouble breathing one night and his heart went into Atrial fibrillation. They couldn't get it back into normal rhythm so them put him on a ventilator. He stayed on life support for 7 days and they didn't know if he would ever recover from it. They were some of the longest 7 days of my life. The good news was that they don't see any cancer right now and the cancer isn't the cause of any of this mess.They had to put a trach in and he was sent into a rehabilitation center to get weened off of the vent. He was in rehab until the day before Thanksgiving and FINALLY he was able to come home!
While he was in rehab my youngest son broke a finger in his hand and my oldest daughter somehow got dermatitis on her leg that turned into staff so that just added to it all.
We stayed home on Thanksgiving and I cooked dinner and my mother-in-law came over and though I was pretty exhausted I have to say that it was a wonderful Thanksgiving! We were all very grateful that he was well enough to come home and that he was alive! My kids hadn't seen him since he went into the hospital because of the H1N1 rules so they were so relieved to have him home! Christmas was also nice we visited family which made for a long day but, all in all it was good. Although I miss my sister dearly and the holidays weren't the same we were all grateful for each other and for family.

He is still recovering a little more day by day. He is trying to get up and move around more. He is able to drive again which is AWESOME! Sometimes I just don't feel like it! Especially when the weather is bad. He has lots of aches and pains and he's on 9 medications 4 of them are for his heart. Two of them control his heart rate and 2 of them are supposed to make it stronger. So for now we just keep praying that he keeps getting better and stronger. What else can we do?! So I will try to keep you posted until next time Thank you for reading and following my blog "God Bless!" Lee

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