Friday, June 5, 2009

11. "Are we done yet?"

I have to say that it has really been a long week. On Tuesday Keith got the (subcutaneous)med port put in. It took about 5 hours. There were no complications Thank God! So for now we'll just have to hope for the best and that it heals well.
On Wednesday he had chemotherapy. It seemed to go pretty smooth. He is sore in the area of the port so it was a little uncomfortable for him when they accessed it.The nurse that recommended the port (and that made him so uncomfortable last week) came up to me and whispered in my ear "Do you still feel the same about the port as you did last week?" My response was "YES". She seemed to be surprised by my response somehow. She knew by my response that I didn't want to be bothered with her so she walked away and left me alone. The ironic thing though is that this nurse had the patient next to Keith and ironically the same situation that happened to to him last week (you know how they couldn't find a vein and how it kept blowing out when they did find one) had just happened to this lady. The nurse was apologetic to her but I didn't hear her recommend the port for that patient. I wondered if it was because she knew I was listening to what was going on.??hmm
On Thursday we saw the radiation Dr. He told Keith that he was pleasantly surprised by how well he is doing through this whole thing. He only has 10 more radiation treatments to go. He has some skin irritation in the areas that they are applying the radiation to and he has had some fatigue but overall he is doing okay with it. We will be so glad when the radiation is over. He has a lot more chemotherapy treatments to go but at least it won't be everyday!
Today (Friday) we had a funeral to go to. It was Keith's great Uncle that passed, and tomorrow we have to go to his brothers house to celebrate his brothers birthday.
Sunday will be laundry day and then we start all over again on Monday. I guess the good thing is that school will be out for the summer after Wednesday. I get a little break! The down side is that I have to make them appointments for their physicals and dentist for football. Oh well at least there is enough to do to keep us busy! LOL
Thank you for reading our blog and for all of your support and prayers! Until next time God Bless!

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