Wednesday, June 10, 2009

12. "The Long and Winding Road"

On Sunday we went to my brother in laws house for his birthday and a block party. It was interesting to say the least. I have to give him a lot of credit though! He planned the whole thing and provided a lot of the food. He's into wrestling (the WWE type) and he has his own ring so he put on a show. It was cute! He had tag team matches and costumes just like the real thing.
My poor son was miserable the whole day though. His allergies were acting up so bad that he could barely see. Someone a few doors down from my brother in law was cutting his grass and this poor kid was a mess! We were going to leave early but he decided to tough it out so that he wouldn't ruin it for everyone else. He's a good kid! He stayed miserable until we left.
Keith didn't have much fun either. They were cooking on a charcoal grill(naturally it's a block party) and he was told by the Dr.'s not to be exposed to the smoke from a grill and not to eat food cooked on it. It causes some kind of chemical reaction in the food and especially while he's going through chemo he should avoid it. I felt so bad for him! I decided since he couldn't have it I wouldn't either. The highlight of the day was watching my brother in law perform. I guess that made it all worth it!
This week was number 7 of the chemo treatments. It felt like it took forever today. Keith was a bit more tired today than usual so he slept through most of it. I had to keep myself from noddling off. Next week starts a new cycle. We're not quite sure what it is yet I just know we have to be there same time same place.
He is definitely feeling the effects of everything a little more this week. Even with the stomach med he has had a bit of dry heaves. He's also very achy.
We only have 5 more radiation treatments!!! Wooh Hooo!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully when he goes back for his scan in 4 weeks it will be good!Lots of prayers would be greatly appreciated!!
My emotions are back and forth though. When the treatments stop I worry what the outcome will be. I know I have to stay positive but it doesn't stop me from thinking.
On Sunday we have another funeral to go to. This time it is Keith's uncle. This one was totally unexpected. He went into the hospital with pneumonia and 3 days later he passed away. Life is just too short! You never know when your time is going to be up.I always say, "Cherish every moment"!
Well it's time to go for now. Thank you again for reading my blog and for all of your support! Until next week, God Bless!

1 comment:

judy said...

Lee, you guys are doing a great job!
It is difficult when the treatment stops because you feel like you are not fighting the enemy anymore.
Keith sounds like he has cancer fatigue. It is normal and he needs to allow himself to just rest. So do you! It can be harder on the family because you feel helpless. Keith is fighting a good fight!!
You are all still in my prayers!
God bless!