Friday, June 19, 2009

13. "Where do we go from here?"

Things didn't start off so great this week. We had the wake on Sunday and that made for a very l-o-n-g day. A few family issues really didn't help either, but it's okay, it's just a thing. I guess you have to take the bad with the good and move on, like it or not.

So today was the last radiation treatment in this cycle!!!!! YEAH!! We also found out that he won't be getting anymore chemotherapy for this cycle either. It came as a bit of a shock because according to our schedule he would have chemo through July. The plan now is to recover from all of the treatments and in 4 weeks (July 23rd) to get another ct scan to see if the lymph node has shrunk and to see if there is anymore cancer growing. If everything looks good he will start another round of chemo that is stronger and more aggressive to help prevent it from coming back. If the results are not good I don't know what the plan will be. So now we are all a little nervous. The kids are even nervous. We need lots of positive energy, support, and prayers!

So for the next couple of weeks we need to hold our heads up high and help my husband recover, stay strong and positive!

We need to focus as well on how we are going to get out of this financial situation we are in and catch up on getting all of the kids in for their physicals and dentist appointments. I think there is plenty to keep our minds busy!
I'll let you know how we are progressing week by week.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support!! I know that's how we've managed to come through this whole thing so far. Until next time, God Bless!!!

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