Tuesday, June 30, 2009

15. "Keeping the faith"

I know I'm writing early this week but I just really feel the need to write. As I said last week my hubby wasn't feeling well, so on Saturday I took him to the emergency room because he was having trouble breathing and not to my surprise they decided to keep him. We thought that after radiation we were going to get a break from this hospital. I guess not!
They did do a complete work up on him including a ct scan. They were concerned about his heart. The good news is that all of his tests came out normal and the ct scan looked okay. I have to say that I was relieved! They started him on steroids which I knew they would do but this poor man now has to deal with his diabetes being crazy for the next 2 weeks and being hyper until he finishes them.
They came to the conclusion that he has now developed COPD. They think that it was brought on by the chemo and radiation. So now he is taking 3 more meds on top of his other 4 plus he has to use a nebulizer to take albuterol aerosol breathing treatments on top of the steroids (that have already made him gain 47 lbs since he's been out of the hospital the first time) and also an antibiotic called Avelox to prevent pneumonia but at least they let him come home on Mondayand he is okay! I was so happy! He is definitely doing better than he was when he went in.
He went to his heart Dr. on Tuesday and he feels that the medication he is on for his A fib and blood pressure(lopresser) may be causing some of the issues with his breathing (as well as his weight gain) so he changed it and put him on a new one called Verapamil. He said that he would feel a difference in about a week. Wouldn't that be wonderful!
Next week we have his endocrine Dr. and oncologist appointment. Not looking forward to either of those. I'm just trying to keep my faith and be strong!
Thank you so much again for reading and following my blog and for all of your prayers and support! Until next time, God Bless!

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Hello there. Thank you for commenting at my blog. I'm so glad your hubby has finished chemo. It's the pits, isn't it? And steroids - blah! I hope he can get off of those soon.

Thank you for visiting my blog and I will be keeping up with yours now.

All the best, Tanya