Monday, July 13, 2009

16. "One day at a time"

It's been an interesting week. On the 8th we went to see the oncologist and heard some unexpected news. We found out that the scan looked ok right now and the lung cancer wasn't his concern. Keith's echo cardiogram of his heart came back with a report that it is functioning at 25% less strength and that at this time he doesn't want to do any more treatments because it could kill him. He said that he is hopeful that he'll never have to have chemo again. That would be so wonderful!!!
The interesting thing about the cardiologist is the that he wrote the report and we saw him on the day after Keiths release from the hospital last week and he never mentioned it to us. The only thing he said is that he needed his medication changed. I don't understand why we had to hear it from another Dr. I called his office to make sure the Dr. was aware of the test results and that's when I found out that he was the one that had read and wrote the report. Then I found out that the lopresser that he was on was most likely the cause for the test results and that is the real reason for the medication change. He has to go back in 6 weeks to find out if he is feeling any better. It's so frustrating!!
Since he's been home he has been on prednisone though and he has gained more weight (looks like some water weight) and he still has some shortness of breath. I never know how he is going to feel and neither does he. We just take it a day at a time!
On the 23rd he sees the radiation Dr. again and he will get another scan to check the lymph nodes. I truly dread that appointment!! I am praying for the results to be good! I hope the steroids don't effect the test results!
Thank you again for all of your support and prayers!!!!! Until next time God Bless!

1 comment:

diana said...

i am praying for good results tomorrow. I want you to know your family is always in my prayers.