Thursday, May 14, 2009

8."Almost there"

This past week has been so long! So much has happened and though for some people it may not seem that way but when you feel as if your world is falling apart even the small petty things can be overwhelming. I do have to say that last week Thursday was wonderful!! It was one of those days that everything felt normal. We went garage sailing and not just one here and there it was over 25 houses and three or four streets. It was tiring but really nice! Kayla was spoiled. Everywhere we went someone would give her something she wanted. We literally spent $1 the entire day and came home with 3 grocery bags of stuff (all Kayla's of course)! Keith was enjoying himself as well it was nice to do something out of the norm. Friday however wasn't such a great day. He wasn't feeling too well (probably from garage sailing and side effects of chemo) and I got some very upsetting news in the mail. My checking account had been garnished. The only money in the bank was rent money. We have no income right now and they take what little money we have. On top of it , my account is now $300 overdrawn. I filed at the courts for a hearing but the chances of getting the money back are slim so I'm not going to hold my breath on that one.
Sunday was Mother's day and I was still really upset about the money thing on top of the fact that I was really missing my mom(she's been gone 9 years already). She wouldn't be able to fix everything but just to here the words it'll be okay some how made things not seem so bad. Keith's mom and sister came over also and my kids being normal kids didn't want to help cleanup so I was a bit cranky as well. But the visit was nice. Keith seemed to enjoy the company and so did I. I think we both needed it.
On Monday I woke up and decided that we were going to have a good day. I just made light of everything and added a little humor. It was great!! All of us were in a good mood!! I am definitely going to try and do that more often!
Monday we also saw the radiation Dr. just to check in and see how things have been going and yesterday was chemo #3 of 7. We're almost half way there!! It seemed to go pretty quick yesterday and now I'm just looking forward to tomorrow. It's FRIDAY!! A two day break for all of us!
Thank you for reading my blog and for your comments and words of encouragement! If you have a funny joke please leave it in my comments! I'd love to have a good laugh! God Bless to all! Lee

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