Thursday, May 7, 2009

7."Life is a Gift"

I"m having one of those feeling down days today (or at least one of those moments). Yesterday was chemo treatment #2 of 7 and radiation # 8 of 37. He was very anxious during chemo, unable to relax. We were sharing the room with another person and the other patient wasn't being treated for cancer he was there for his multiple sclerosis steroid treatment. Don't get me wrong MS is a serious condition but I think Keith felt like this guy couldn't possibly understand what we're going through and why would they put him in here with cancer patients.
So we got through with the chemo and he was feeling kind of crappy and cranky. He started worrying about the side effects he could be having but hasn't had yet. It seems as if he's starting to get some of them but in reality he is bringing them on himself. I never realized that he has as many anxiety issues as I do. He's always been able to hide them better than I have. We sat down and started having a general conversation and suddenly he was perking up and feeling a little better. I truly believe that we have the power to control some of our illnesses. By dwelling on the negative and thinking about all of the what ifs. I also think that if we have the power to bring on illness with negative thinking then we must have the power to bring on healing with positive thinking. The only problem is that I don't know how to help him think positive. I can try to keep him busy "LIVING" and just going about our normal routines but I can't control his mind. If money allowed it I would just take him and go somewhere for a day. Far away from reality. Niagara falls would be great! Some place relaxing and free from stress. No bills, no Dr.s, and no people that know what's going on. I have one more thing to say for now, Life is a gift but nobody ever said it would be this hard!!!
May God bless and keep you all! Thank you for reading my blog!


Anonymous said...

Today Josh and I walked at his school today for a mini relay for life. In memory of my father Jerry Behlke & Alesha Hartle! God Bless both of them. We also walked for my brother who is battling cancer right now Keith Behlke. He has stage 3 lung cancer. When we walked there today they gave us a flower and a poem. I loved the poem so I wanted to share it with you. So here it goes.


I walked around a track today;
I walked to help a disease go away.
I walked because three is a need;
I walked that bodies would be freed.

I walked to give a small child hope;
I walked to help someone cope.
I walked for a husband or a wife;
I walked to help prolong life.

I walked with my head held high;
I walked for that one about to die.
I walked excitedly not demure;
I walked to help find a cure.

I walked for everyone to see;
I walked for you, I walked for me.

Andrew Hirsch.

God Bless those who have lost the battle to cancer, fighting the battle of cancer and those who have concured cancer.

Thanks for taking the time read this. Thank you
Kim Oehme

judyj said...

Lee, I just want you to know that you, Keith, and family are in my prayers. My women's group at church is also praying everyday for Keith.
The positive attitude is soooo important!
Keep up the good work!