Sunday, May 3, 2009

6."The Fight"!

Well the first day of radiation therapy went pretty smooth. It only took about 10 minutes and so far there aren't any side effects but, our emotions are getting the best of us both. They say that you shouldn't think of the what ifs. To think positive and live life to the fullest everyday! I have to say that when you are looking mortality in the face you are humbled and it becomes very hard to think clearly.
We went for a second opinion and it went OK. They agreed with the first one and that the treatment plan would be the same. The thing that got us both upset was that they said the cancer appears to have come back in a very short amount of time. They are making this assumption according to the results of the ct scan. At this time they don't want to do a biopsy to confirm it. They just want to start treatment ASAP.
On top of all that chemo started today too. He did really well! No side effects so far! Although I've done nothing but cry for 2 days now at the thought of all those what ifs. Everything seems to get me started. Things on TV, things the kids say, talking to family. I have to stay busy!! I've been cleaning and running errands. I avoid letting him see me cry so I go and hide out in my room on the computer. I know I have to stay strong for all of us! If I fall apart we all fall apart. The worst part is that I know the emotional roller coaster is all part of this thing but I truly hate feeling so helpless and weak! I have to get my mind set on thinking positive and staying strong so that I can help him win this fight!! !!!
Thank you again for reading my blog! God bless to you all!

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